Sunday, January 10, 2010

Haliç'te ilk sefer temizlikle başladı

Haliç'te ilk sefer temizlikle başladı: "

Haliç Tersanesi'nde inşa edilen Sütlüce Vapuru ilk seferini yaptı. Yolcular, sefer başlamadan önce gemiyi temizledi.


CityEngine 2009.3

CityEngine 2009.3: "The latest version of the CityEngine (2009.3) includes features such as advanced roof types and global texture mapping to make the creation of large urban 3D models even easier. We are big fans of the CityEngine, especially with its ability to import OpenStreetMap data for street layouts.

The movie below details the new City Wizard to create and generate whole cities from pre-defined templates with only a few mouse clicks:

Another nice touch is the ability to download a use a 30 Day trial, even if you have used a previous version.

What better way to spend your Christmas than building cities? Head over to for full details.


Hamburg's Manifesto Against the 'Creative Class'

Hamburg's Manifesto Against the 'Creative Class': "

A new manifesto is being circulated in Hamburg, Germany, where city officials have used the concept of the 'creative class' to rebrand the city and lure in creative people. The resulting gentrification of the city has many locals upset.

read more


Friday, January 8, 2010

5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Bike Commuting

5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Bike Commuting: "

This is a guest post by Andreas Kambanis who runs a blog, London Cyclist, about cycling and London. You can find him on Twitter here.

I started commuting into work by bike in the same way I do many things in life. With little or no plan! The way I look at it is if there is anything I need to learn I’ll soon figure it out along the way. Here are 5 of the lessons I soon picked up.

1. Route

When I first started bike commuting I had just moved to London for a new job. It was my first day in that job so I found my route on Google Maps and looked at it once. This was a major error.

After a good start I forgot the route and took a wrong turn. Then another wrong turn. And another. I somehow ended up on Oxford Circus. One of the busiest, most horrible roads for cyclists in London.

After a quick call to my new boss who I had yet to meet I confirmed I would be late for my first day at work.

Lesson learned: Plan the route ahead and do a test run.

2. There are some things you shouldn’t economize on

I noticed something on all the other bikes parked at office that my bike was lacking. They all had massive U-locks. I looked at my weak bike lock and realised a thief could probably chew through it with their teeth. A couple of days later I made sure I got myself to the nearest bike shop and purchased a proper bike lock.

Lesson learned: Spend as much as you can on a good bike lock. It is worth it for all the effort and money you will save by preventing theft.

3. A little maintenance goes a long way

I made all the maintenance mistakes you can possibly make. I over lubricated my chain, I didn’t keep my bike clean and I didn’t replace my break pads until they wore through my wheel rims. I caused a lot of damage to that poor bike. After a while I replaced it with a new one and pledged to learn bike maintenance.

Lesson learned: Learn the basics to bike maintenance as it will give you a much smoother, more enjoyable bike ride and will make your bike last longer.

4. Don’t undertake vehicles

An early error in my cycling technique was frequently undertaking slow moving traffic. The problem with doing this is that drivers are not on the lookout for someone overtaking on the wrong side. This is particularly dangerous with heavy goods vehicles that are a frequent cause of injury to cyclists.

Lessons learned: Be sure you are cycling where drivers can see you and don’t undertake vehicles unless it is safe to do so.

5. Shop around

Whenever I needed something new I would head into the nearest bike shop and pick it up there and then. I didn’t realise how much I could save by having a look online before buying. I ended up spending 30-40% more on a cycling jacket I didn’t particularly like.

There is also a second lesson to be learned here. It is worth building up a relationship with a local bike shop so they can help you out at a time of need. I have since got to know my local bike shop owner so whenever I head in there to buy something new I can ask some advice on any maintenance problems I’m having.

Lessons learned: Shop around for a good price and build up a relationship with the local bike shop owner.



Anahtarpafta: "
Türkiye'de ilk portal olduğumuzu söyleriz hep. Ama bir yandan da bizden önce Anahtar Pafta'nın var olduğunu biliriz aslında.

Anahtar Pafta, İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi öğretim üyelerinden Hüseyin Kahvecioğlu tarafından hazırlanan ve kendisini "MİMARLIK - EĞİTİM - TASARIM - ARAŞTIRMA WEB KAYNAKLARINA BAĞLANTI SİTESİ" açıklaması ile tanımlayan bir yayındı. Geocities servisi üzerinden yayındaydı geçtiğimiz 10 yıl boyunca. Yahoo, yakın geçmişte Geocities'i kapattı. Biz de Hüseyin Kahvecioğlu ile görüşerek bu müzelik yayının şu adreste devam etmesini sağladık.

Eklenmiş İmajlar

Daha büyük versiyonu için imaja tıklayın<br />İsim:  2009-12-31_02-13-30.png<br />Görünüşler: N/A<br />Boyut:  23,6 KB


Giresun Adası için turizm atağı

Giresun Adası için turizm atağı: "Doğu Karadeniz'de, üzerinde insan yaşayabilen tek ada olan, tarihte savaşçı Amazon kadınlarının yaşadığı ada olarak da bilinen ve önemli kuş alanı olarak ilan edilen Giresun Adası, dünyada önemli turizm hareketi olarak başlayan ''zamanda yolculuk'' turizm konseptine alınacak."

Bizans müzesi kurulacak mı?

Bizans müzesi kurulacak mı?: "İstanbul 2010 Ajansı tarafından hazırlatılan plan Sur-i Sultani'yi, Osmanlı, Bizans ve Klasik dönemleri temsil edecek müzelerle donatmayı hedefliyor."

Şehirlerin kraliçesi İstanbul

Şehirlerin kraliçesi İstanbul: "Almanya'da yayınlanan gezi dergisi Merian, son sayısını İstanbul'a ayırdı. Dergi, İstanbul'u Doğu ile Batı'yı birleştiren heyecan verici 15 milyon nüfuslu metropol olarak nitelendirdi."

Ofer’in kulakları çınlayacak Galataport yeniden satışta

Ofer’in kulakları çınlayacak Galataport yeniden satışta: "Özelleştirme İdaresi Başkanvekili Ahmet Aksu, Galataport ihalesini bu yıl bitirmeyi düşündüklerini söyledi."